About Leslie Lew

Leslie Lew: Trailblazing Women's Empowerment Leader, Global Speaker, and Humanitarian

Leslie Lew, also known as the warrior queen, stands as a trailblazer for women's empowerment, recently earning recognition in the Washington DC Chronicle News as one of the "Global Women to Watch in 2024." She proudly holds the prestigious 2022 Asian Woman Trailblazer award and serves as the visionary Founder of Reclaiming Your Courage and the Mind Body Voice (MBV) Method.

As a two-time black belt, martial artist, bestselling author, and podcast host, Leslie not only empowers women globally against gender-based violence but also embodies the strength and resilience befitting a warrior queen.

Rooted in love, courage, and community values, Leslie advocates for women's rights while seamlessly balancing roles as a devoted mother and wife. Beyond her diverse interests, she founded her company in response to rising Anti-Asian hate crimes, addressing specific challenges faced by the Asian community and supporting marginalized groups.

A recent milestone in Leslie's extraordinary journey was her Kenya Keynote Tour, where she addressed 13,000 students, sparking a global movement for change. Her unwavering commitment to empowering women and her dedication to the community make Leslie a beacon of strength and inspiration in the ongoing fight against gender-based violence.

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